Did you miss our Portfolio Management (MoP) Webinar? 2′ video available!
Most of professionals in the Project Management world already know about Programme, Portfolio and PMO management; some of them already work at PMO level for example, having helped with the set up of a “Centre of Excellence” in their organization. But how do you know what is the right next step after Project Management? How to identify the right action that can fit your needs? We’ve developed 3 webinars to help you answer these questions! Don’t worry if you miss one of them, we’ll make sure the video is available to be watched! Keep reading for the 2′ video about Portfolio Management!
TITLE OF THE WEBINAR: Portfolio Management: Benefits of Strategic Alignment
ABOUT THE EXPERT: Stijn Janssens is PRINCE2 accredited trainer and consultant, MSP and MoP certified, P3O/PMO Expert. He’s a multilingual trainer, able to perform courses in English and Dutch.
ABOUT THE WEBINAR: If you are a manager with a top-down perspective (you are managing a budget and a team, or a group of strategic initiatives), your next step could be MoP Portfolio Management, a one week training with certification. MoP, Management of Portfolios, provides an overview of all change activities including what is in the portfolio, what it is costing, what risks are faced, what progress is being made, and what the impact is on business as usual and the organization’s strategic objectives. MoP helps you answer the question “Are we doing the right projects?” by prioritizing the right projects and programmes to undertake.
To WATCH THE VIDEO follow this link!
Don’t miss the lastwebinar of the series: PMO Management – an Introduction –> Register at this link
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